dimarts, 4 de febrer del 2014

THEME 2: Advertisements

Hello everyone!

How you can see, this unit it's about advertisements.
First that we have to think: what is an publicitary campaign?
It's a coordinated series of linked advertisements with a single idea or theme.

An advertising campaign is typically broadcast through several media channels. It may focus on a common theme and one or few brands or products, or be directed at a particular segment of the population. Successful advertising campaigns achieve far more than the sporadic advertising, and may last from a few weeks and months to years.

So... now I make you a question!
What is the limit of handling ads? 
There are some, really a lot of ads, whose objective are achieve the clients buy their products

In these pictures or videos who are below, we can see:

How you can see in this video, the objective is make the world aware that smoking is bad. But people do it equally?

It's another funny ads. It's about condoms. I think it's the first time that I see an advertisement for condoms who doesn't sexual, or provocative. When I saw it, I started to laught! hahaha

It's an ads of beer. So creative for my opinion! 

It's a total racism ads of PlayStation. How can they pretend to have new clients if they promove the racism in the publicity like these?

WHY DO WE FALL? A few miniutes ago, I saw this incredible vidio. I recomend you!!!